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Identification of QTL for drought responses in maize and their use in testing causal relationships between traits
Authors:Lebreton, C.   Lazic-Jancic, V.   Steed, A.   Pekic, S.   Quarrie, S.A.
Abstract:A difficulty in identifying traits that help crop plants maintaintheir yield under droughted conditions is distinguishing betweenthose traits that contribute to yield stability under droughtand traits that do not affect yield. With the development ofmolecular markers for many crops it is now possible to identifymajor quantitative trait loci (QTL) regulating specific droughtresponses. By comparing the coincidence of such QTL for specifictraits it is possible to test much more precisely than beforewhether a particular constitutive or adaptive response to droughtstress is likely to be of significance in improving droughtresistance. We have used this approach to identify QTL for ABAcontent and other traits likely to be important in determiningdrought response in maize. Eighty-four RFLP markers were mapped in an F2 population of81 plants from a cross between parents, Polj17 (drought resistant)and F-2 (drought sensitive), that differ markedly in many constitutiveand adaptive responses to drought stress. In a soil glasshouseexperiment, from which water was withheld for 3 weeks afteranthesis, flowering time, stomatal conductance, tissue ABA contents,leaf water relations parameters and fluorescence characteristics,root pulling force, and nodal root number were measured. Theminimum number and location of genes having major effects onthe traits were determined and possible causal relationshipsamongst them tested. Comparing the coincidence of QTL for ABAcontent and stomatal conductance showed that xylem ABA contentwas more likely to have had a regulatory effect on the stomatalconductance of those plants than the whole leaf ABA content.However, both xylem and leaf ABA contents were significantlyassociated with root characteristics, suggesting that the rootingbehaviour (either constitutive or adaptive) was important inregulating stress responses, particularly in determining xylemABA contents. We also found that Fm (a measure of the activityof photosynthetic reaction centres) was positively associatedwith chlorophyll concentration per unit area. Different methodsfor comparing QTL are presented and discussed. Key words: Quantitative trait loci (QTL), ABA content, rooting behaviour, fluorescence characteristics, drought responses, maize
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