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The development of the static vestibulo-ocular reflex in the Southern Clawed Toad,Xenopus laevis
Authors:B. Rayer  E. Horn
Affiliation:1. Institut für Biologie II (Zoologie), RWTH Aachen, Kopernikusstra?e 16, D-5100, Aachen, Germany
2. Abteilung für Neurologie, Sektion Neurophysiologie, Universit?t Ulm, Oberer Eselsberg, D-7900, Ulm, Germany
Abstract:The static vestibulo-ocular reflex was investigated in tadpoles at different times following unilateral destruction of the labyrinth during the period of early organogenesis and premetamorphosis. Balance compensation is completed after a few weeks, while gain compensation only occurs partially (Figs. 2-4). Tadpoles hemilabyrinthectomized in the age of 2.5 days (stage 38) develop no vestibular nuclei on their lesioned side, while tadpoles operated later in their life, possess these nuclei (Figs. 5, 6) even if they were not detectable at the operation day (Fig. 7). For their dorsal vestibular nucleus (DVN), the number of neurons is usually larger on the intact than on the lesioned side; while for the ventral vestibular nucleus (VVN), there is either numerical symmetry or a transient decrease of cell number on the intact side (Fig. 5). The results demonstrate that vestibular compensation occurs even if vestibular nuclei have developed only on one side, i.e. the vestibular commissure is not a prerequisite for a successful compensation process. It is discussed whether the use of extra-vestibular error signals for balance but not for gain compensation may cause the differences in time courses of both compensation processes.
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