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Trophodynamics of two interacting species of estuarine mysids, Praunus flexuosus and Neomysis integer, and their predation on the calanoid copepod Eurytemora affinis
Authors:Gesche Winkler  Wulf Greve
Affiliation:a Département de Biologie, Université Laval, Sainte-Foy, Québec, Canada G1K 7P4
b Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Notkestraβe 31, 22607 Hamburg, Germany
Abstract:Community structure is shaped by external factors (i.e., habitat, temperature, and food) frequently modified by interactions among its members. This study focusses on trophic interactions between two sympatric mysids Praunus flexuosus and Neomysis integer of the Elbe Estuary, northern Germany. Based on an experimental approach, intraguild predation was evaluated. Predation rate of P. flexuosus on N. integer was positively related to predator size and temperature. Predation rate was significantly correlated with prey size, juvenile N. integer released just from the mysid marsupium being most vulnerable. However, adult P. flexuosus were able to gain more energy in terms of body carbon by catching larger N. integer, whereas immature P. flexuosus assimilated more energy by capturing large numbers of the small-sized N. integer. In contrast to N. integer, P. flexuosus showed an efficient escape behaviour that prevented all stages of N. integer from preying on any size class of P. flexuosus. When Eurytemora affinis was offered as prey, both N. integer and P. flexuosus increased predation rates with predator size and temperature. In mixed prey (N. integer and E. affinis) experiments at 10 °C, predation rates of adult P. flexuosus on N. integer released just from the marsupium declined from 17±8 to 6±4 N. integer mysid−1 day−1. We conclude that intraguild predation exists between the two species but is one sided with small N. integer being strongly suppressed. This heavy predation pressure is modified by the addition of alternative food resources, in this case, E. affinis.
Keywords:Age structure   Mysidacea   Eurytemora affinis   Intraguild predation   Neomysis integer   Praunus flexuosus
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