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Cellulose and xylan degrading enzymes of Fusarium avenaceum
Authors:Jadwiga Zalewska-Sobczak  Henryk Urbanek
Affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Enzymology, Institute of Physiology and Cytology, University of "Lstrok"ód"zacute", Banacha 12/16, PL-90-237 "Lstrok"ód"zacute", Poland
Abstract:It was found that crude preparation obtained from the culture medium of Fusarium avenaceum degraded cellulose and xylan. After chromatography on CM-Sepharose CL-6B of this preparation six fraction were obtained. The eluted fractions II and V showed xylanase activity, fraction IV — cellulase activity and fraction III — xylanase and cellulase activity. The end products of xylan hydrolysis by all xylanase fractions (II, III, V) were xylobiose, xylose, xylotriose and xylotetrose. The end products of cellulose hydrolysis by fractions III and IV was cellobiose, glucose and cellotriose. The data from gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 indicated a molecular weight of more than 250,000 for both cellulase IV and xylanase V. After gel filtration in the presence of urea disaggregation of those high molecular xylanase and cellulase particles was observed. Xylanase II in difference from the other fractions contained higher amount of sugar. Digestion of fraction II with cellulase-hemicellulase preparation from Phoma hibernica decreased the content of sugar from 17% to 8%, but did not change its enzymatic properties. Cellulase IV as well as xylanase V were inactivated by N-bromosuccinimide, 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide and tetranitromethane, hence it is suggested that tryptophan and tyrosine are the essential for the activity of these enzymes.
Keywords:Fusarium avenaceum  Cellulases  Xylanases  Properties  Inhibitors
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