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Buchbesprechungen / Book Reviews
Abstract:Book reviewed in this articles:
Sinclair, J. B. (Herausgeber) , Compendium of Soybean Diseases, 2nd edition.
Bach, W., J. Pankrath, S. H. Schneider (Herausgeber), Food-Climate Inter-actions.
Palti, J. , Cultural Practices and Infectious Crop Diseases.
Finck, A. , Fertilizers and Fertilization.
Turner, P. D. , Oil palm diseases and disorders.
Watkins, G. M. (ed.) , Compendium of cotton diseases.
Webster, H. S., Jr. , Plant Protection.
Robinson, D. G., and H. Quader (Ed.) , Cell Walls '81.
Progress in Botany (Fortschritte der Botanik) . Morphology — Physiology — Genetics — Taxonomy — Geobotany.
Maggenti, A. , General Nematology.
Chapeville, F., and A. L. Haenni (Ed.) , Chemical Recognition in Biology.
Rhodes-Roberts, M., und F. A. Skinner , Bacteria and Plants.
Michel, H,-G., und H. Umgelter , Pflanzenschutz im Garten.
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