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引用本文:施卫文 杜念兴. 用对流电泳提纯兔出血症病毒[J]. Virologica Sinica, 1995, 10(3): 261-264
作者姓名:施卫文 杜念兴
摘    要:兔出血症病毒(RHDV)在pH8.6的琼脂糖凝胶上电泳,在负极侧有一血凝峰,免疫电镜观察有大硅RHDV颗粒,证实RHDV病毒粒子带正电荷。利用这一特性可用对流电泳提纯病毒。将抗体与病毒颗粒形成的沉淀带切下,作SDS-PAGE,经免疫转印出现6条区带,其中60kD的VP_1为主要结构多肽。用免疫复合物提取核酸,以狄高辛标记制成探针,能与病毒核酸和克隆的RHDVcDNA2.2kb片段和4.8kb片段杂交,探针灵敏度达pg水平。能用病毒核酸作模板制备探针,证实RHDV的核酸为DNA。

关 键 词:兔出血症病毒 对流电泳 提纯

Purification of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Diseaes Virus from Counter Immunoelectropboresis
Shi Weiweng ,Du Nianxing. Purification of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Diseaes Virus from Counter Immunoelectropboresis[J]. 中国病毒学(英文版), 1995, 10(3): 261-264
Authors:Shi Weiweng   Du Nianxing
Abstract:HDV could be moved to the negative electrode by electrophoresis in the condition ofpH8.6 ,and this was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy observation. The RHDV im-munocomplex was purified by counter immunoelectrophoresis(CIE)form liver tissue of rab-bits died of RHD and used for the analysis of RHDV structural polypeptide by immunoblot-ing.The RHDV nucleic acid was extracted from RHDV immunocomplex and labelled withDigoxigenin-dUTP. The labelled nucleic acid probe with high senseitivity and specificity wasable to hybrideized with RHDV nucleic acid,RHDV 2. 2kb and4. 8kb cDNA fragments in dotblot analysis.
Keywords:RHDV  CIE  Immunobloting  Nucleic acid probe  
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