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The zoeal stages and megalopa of Portunus rubromarginatus (Lanchester) (Decapoda: Portnnidae), reared in the laboratory
Authors:Greenwood, J.G.   Fielder, D.R.
Affiliation:Department of Zoology, University of Queensland St. Lucia, Qld. 4067, Australia
Abstract:The present state of knowledge concerning Portunus larvae isreviewed, and the three zoeal and the megalopa stages of P.rubromarginatus are described and figured. Details of appendagesetation are tabulated. This species is unusual amongst knownPortunus spp. in having only three zoeal stages and, like otherPortunus spp. but in contrast with other Portuninae, it has4 + 4, or 4 + 1 + 4, setae on the posterior telson border. When compared with larvae of the five other Indo-West PacificPortunus species whose larvae are known P. rubromarginatus zoeaeare readily distinguished from all, except P. hastatoides, usingthe key features given by Kurata (1975). Comparison was madebetween first zoeae of these two species, and also of P. pelagicusand P. sanguinolentus, using larvae reared by the authors. Itwas found telson characters alone allow distinction betweenlarvae of these four species. These characters are tabulated. P. rubromarginatus megalopae differ from those known for congenitorsin having a large spine on the uchium of the first pereiopod,but not on the carpus, and in having relatively very small sternalcornuae. Several of these features disagree with those previously thoughtto characterise larval Portuninae or Portunus species.
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