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Gametes and fertilization in the Chinese hamster
Authors:R. Yanagimachi  Y. Kamiguchi  S. Sugawara  K. Mikamo
Abstract:Freshly ovulated eggs are each surrounded by a compact cumulus oophorus. The overall diameter of the normal egg (including the zona pellucida) is about 100 μm. Cumulus cells, particularly those near the egg, are arranged redially in a viscous noncellular matrix. The spermatozoon is about 250 μm in length. The head a large acrosome, changes in which can be readily examined with the light (phase- contrast) microsope. When exposed to physiological salt solutions, testicular spermatozoa either were motionless or flexed the posterior half of their tails slowly. Spermatozoa from the caput epididymis were highly motile, flexing the entire tail. A few of them moved progressively. Mature spermatozoa from the vas deferens were highly motile and moved either straightforward or in a circle. They vibrated their tails stiffly without flexing them. In normally mated females, fertilization began sometime between 2 and 3 h after ovulation and was completed within the next 4 to 5 h. Spermatozoa swimming in the ampullary fluid or within the cumulus oophorus about the time of fertilization flexed the anterior half (which roughly corresponds to the midpieac region) of their tails. This peculiar movement may be homologous to the so-called “hyperactivation” of spermatozoa as reported in several other mammalian species. Actively motile spermatozoa within the cumulus or no the zona pellucida had either modified (“collapsed”) or no acrosomal caps. The sperm head usually passed verticually or nearly through the zona, but the path was oblique in some instances. In 54% of the recently fertilized eggs examined, the entire length of the sperm tail was within the perivitelline space; in the other 46% of the eggs varying lenghts of the tail remined the perivitelline space, the tails were extruded from the vitellus of many eggs even before the eggs began their first cleavage. When unfertilized eggs in the cumulus oophorus were inseminated with vas deferens spermatozoa in a modified Tyrode's solution (m-TALP), about 80% of them were ferrtilized by 4–6 h after insemination. The vast majority were monospermic. When eggs were freed from the cumulus prior to insemination, none were fertilized, suggesting that the cumulus cells or their matrix assisted capacitation and/or the acrosome reaction of the spermatozoa under the in vitro conditions employed. No eggs were fertilized by the testicular or caput epididymal spermatozoa regardless of the presence or absence of cumulus oophorus around the eggs at the time of insemination.
Keywords:egg  soernatozoa  fertilization  Chinese hamster
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