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Effects of Tapping, Wounding, and Growth Regulators on Turgor Pressure in Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.
Authors:BUTTERY, B. R.   BOATMAN, S. G.
Abstract:Various forms of wounding result in increases in hydrostaticpressure in the laticiferous phloem tissue of Hevea brasiliensis;regular tapping, a form of controlled wounding, probably causesa similar response. When a tree is ring-barked, there is a transientfall in turgor immediately above and below the ring, presumablyowing to loss of latex during cutting. This is followed by apressure increase which is particularly marked above the ring,suggesting the accumulation of metabolites. Isolation of an‘island’ of tissue, by cuts down to the wood, resultsin a steep fall in turgor within it, although a relatively slowrecovery may follow. Partially isolated panels show smallerfalls and a more rapid rise. It appears that a functional phloemconnexion permits a more rapid recovery of osmotic and turgorpressures following latex losses, both in the isolation experimentsand in normal tapping. Growth regulators such as 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyaceticacid (2,4,5-T) increase latex yields by prolonging latex flowafter tapping. In untapped trees treatment with 2,4,5-T resultsin a slow and fairly small increase in turgor pressure, butthis effect may not be apparent if trees are regularly tapped.When the tapping cut is opened, there is a rapid fall in pressureimmediately under the cut. This loss in turgor spreads throughthe latex-vessel system as latex flows towards the cut, butrecovery is apparent near the cut even before flow ceases. Pressuregradients indicate a rapid formation of a localized resistanceto flow at or near the cut surface. This process appears toplay a major part in restricting flow. The increased yieldswhich result both from regular tapping and after 2,4,5-T treatmentappear to result from a delay in this sealing process. The mechanismsby which the barrier to flow is built up and delayed by 2,4,5-Ttreatment are not clearly understood.
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