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Direct crystallographic observation of an acyl-enzyme intermediate in the elastase-catalyzed hydrolysis of a peptidyl ester substrate: Exploiting the “glass transition” in protein dynamics
Authors:Xiaochun Ding   Bjarne F. Rasmussen   Gregory A. Petsko  Dagmar Ringe  
Affiliation:aDepartments of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Rosenstiel Basic Medical Sciences Research Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA 02254-9110, USA
Abstract:The crystal structure of the acyl complex of porcine pancreatic elastase with its peptidyl ester substrate N-acetyl-ala-ala-ala-methyl ester (Ac(Ala)3OMe) has been determined at 2.5 Å resolution. The complex was stabilized by exploiting the “glass transition” in protein dynamics that occurs at around −53 °C (220 K). Substrate was flowed into the crystal in a cryoprotective solvent above this temperature, and then the crystal was rapidly cooled to a temperature below the transition to trap the species that formed. The use of a flow cell makes the experiment a kinetic one and means that the species prior to the rate determining transition state has a chance to accumulate. The resulting crystal structure shows an acyl-enzyme intermediate in which the leaving group is absent and the carbonyl carbon of the C-terminal alanine residue is covalently bound to the gamma oxygen of the active site serine. The ester carbonyl shows no significant distortion from planarity, with the carbonyl oxygen forming one hydrogen bond with the oxyanion hole. The tripeptide is bound in an extended antiparallel β-sheet with main chain residues of the enzyme. The geometry and interactions of this acyl-enzyme suggest that it represents a productive intermediate. To test this hypothesis, the same crystal was then warmed above the glass transition temperature and a second data set was collected. The resulting electron density map shows no sign of the substrate, indicating hydrolysis of the intermediate followed by product release. This experiment provides direct evidence for the importance of dynamic properties in catalysis and also provides a blueprint for the stabilization of other short-lived species for direct crystallographic observation.
Keywords:Crystallographic observation   Acyl-enzyme intermediate   Elastase-catalyzed hydrolysis   Peptidyl ester substrate   Glass transition   Protein dynamics
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