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Meal Pattern Analysis of Macronutrient Intake Aafter PVN Norepinephrine and Peripheral Clonidine Administration
Authors:Sarah F. Leibowitz  Gail Shor-Posner  Glen Brennan  Jesline T. Alexander
Abstract:Norepinephrine (NE) injected into the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus of rats is a potent stimulant of food intake, more specifically ingestion of the carbohydrate nutrient. In 2 experiments of the present study, this effect was found to be dose-dependent, and the effectiveness of NE in potentiating total food consumption was greatly reduced when the carbohydrate diet was removed. In addition, experiments using a computer-automated data acquisition apparatus were performed to characterize, in detail, the impact of PVN injection of NE and peripheral administration of the α2-nor-adrenergic agonist clonidine (CLON) on the macrostructure of feeding behavior in animals given 3 pure macronutrient diets. These 2 compounds, injected at the onset of the nocturnal feeding cycle, had very similar effects on meal patterns, with both affecting nutrient intake by increasing meal size and duration rather than by increasing meal frequency. They both affected primarily the first meal of the dark cycle, selectively enhancing carbohydrate ingestion by increasing Kcal intake, percent composition in the total diet and feeding time, and also by decreasing the satiating impact of this macronutrient. These stimulatory effects of NE and CLON on carbohydrate ingestion during the first meal were followed by complete recovery over the next 1 to 2 hours after injection. In addition to these predominant effects on carbohydrate intake, PVN NE at the highest doses tested (10 and 20 nmoles) produced a small increase in fat intake, whereas peripheral CLON actually decreased intake of fat and protein over the 12-hour cycle. The similarities in the impact of NE and CLON on carbohydrate feeding patterns support the hypothesis that both agonists may be acting via the same PVN α2-noradrenergic system controlling ingestion of the carbohydrate-rich meals which predominate at dark onset.
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