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Capsaicin Modifies Responses of Rat Chorda Tympani Nerve Fibers to NaCl
Authors:Osada, Kazumi   Komai, Michio   Bryant, Bruce P.   Suzuki, Hitoshi   Goto, Atsuko   Tsunoda, Kenji   Kimura, Shuichi   Furukawa, Yuji
Abstract:Single-fiber preparations of the rat chorda tympani (CT) nervewere used to study the mechanism of action of capsaicin on salt-tastetransduction. Capsaicin selectively suppressed the responsesto NaCl of the CT nerve fibers (N-fibers) that are sodium-specific(insensitive or poorly sensitive to potassium). Among the morebroadly responsive, cation-sensitive fibers (E-fibers) thereare two subtypes, both of which responded to capsaicin but indifferent ways (‘enhanced’ type and ‘suppressed’type). In both N- and E-fibers, 5% ethanol (the vehicle forcapsaicin) slightly reduced the response to 100 mM NaCl. Thesuppressive effect of capsaicin on the response of the N-typefibers to 100 mM NaCl was significantly stronger than the effectof 5% ethanol. The suppression lasted for at least 20 s afterthe simultaneous application of 100 p.p.m. capsaicin-100 mMNaCl. These results indicate that 100 p.p.m. capsaicin can modifythe response of CT fibers to NaCl. The observed effect of capsaicinon gustatory fibers could be the net result of opposite suppressiveand enhancing processes in the taste buds cells and excitedintra- or extragemmal trigeminal nerve endings. Chem. Senses22: 249–255, 1997. *These authors contributed equally to this study
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