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La faune préhistorique de la région de Jungwon en Corée et la relation entre l'Homme et l'Animal
Authors:Tae-Sop Cho
Affiliation:Université nationale de Chungbuk, institut culturel de Jungwon, 12, Gaeshin-dong, Heungduk-gu, 361-763 Cheongju, République de Corée
Abstract:The Jungwon region, developed under the calcites deposit, contains 6 caves and 1 rock-shelter where we can find many animal bones. During the middle Pleistocene, some warm animals lived here and the number of species was increased in the course of the upper Pleistocene. In the upper Pleistocene, the young and old deer have been hunted as the main prey and they have been transported into the occupation area of prehistoric people. The cut-marks on the bones and the existence of bone tools reveal us their mode of subsistence.
Keywords:Plé  istocè  ne moyen   Faune chaude   Plé  istocè  ne supé  rieur   Augmentation du nombre d'espè  ces   Chasse sé  lective   Subsistance
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