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Hydroxyl Radicals and a Thylakoid-Bound Endopeptidase are Involved in Light- and Oxygen-Induced Proteolysis in Oat Chloroplasts
Authors:Casano, Leonardo M.   Lascano, H. Ramiro   Trippi, Victorio S.
Affiliation:Laboratorio de Fisiología Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba P.O. Box 395, 5000-Córdoba, República Argentina
Abstract:The hypothesis that light- and oxygen-induced proteolysis inchloroplasts is mediated by active oxygen species was examined.In order to determine whether or not H2O2 and/or {dot}OH radicalsare involved in these degradative processes we compared thedegradation of proteins in isolated oat chloroplasts exposedto white light at 80 W m-2 with that in chloroplasts incubatedin darkness in the absence or presence of H2O2 or a {dot}OH-generatingsystem composed by ascorbic acid, FeCl3 and H2O2 (Asc-Fe-H2O2).Light enhanced the rate of degradation of at least 18 polypeptides,while proteolysis was almost negligible in darkness in the abscenceof additives. H2O2 had a very small effect. However, Asc-Fe-H2O2-treatedchloroplasts in darkness showed a pattern of protein degradationalmost identical to that observed in the light. A thylakoid-boundendopeptidase (EP), the activity of which increased under photooxidativeenvironmental conditions and treatment with an {dot}OH-generatingsystem, was partially purified and characterized as a serinetypeprotease. Treatments with inhibitors of serine-type proteaseprevented both light- and Asc- Fe-H2O2-induced proteolysis.EP was more active against both soluble and membranous proteinsthat had been pretreated with Asc-Fe-H2O2 than against untreatedproteins. It is proposed that a high dose of light irradiationpromotes proteolysis by increasing the formation of {dot}OH,which may modify proteins such that they become more susceptibleto EP-catalyzed hydrolysis. 1Fisiología Vegetal, Dept. de Biología Vegetal,Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Present address: 28871Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), España.
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