Abstract: | A simple and rapid technique is described for the screening of Epon embedded organ slices for the location, isolation, and removal of small specific sites for ultrastructural study with the transmission electron microscope. This procedure consists of perfusion fixation followed by making 1 to 21/2 mm thick slices of relatively large pieces of the organs, control of the degree and evenness of the osmium staining by addition of 3% sodium iodate, and infiltration with a fluorescent dye prior to embedment in Epon. Tissue slices are embedded in wafer-shaped blocks, generally with several slices in one "wafer", and are examined in a controlled manner using a rapid form of serial surface polishing. Each level of the polished wafer is examined using an epi-illuminated fluorescence microscope, and selected sites are chosen at each level for ultrastructural study. Methods are also described for marking each selected site using a conventional slide marker, and for the removal of the selected site in the form of a small disc of Epon, after which the Epon wafer can be further serially polished and the examination continued. Areas to be thin-sectioned are removed using a core drill mounted on a model-maker's drill press. The technique is simple, does not require the destruction of remaining tissues to evaluate more critically a single small site, allows for the easy maintenance of tissue orientation, and the most time-consuming portions of the technique can be quickly taught to a person with no previous histological training. |