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Variations with Age in Net Assimilation Rate and other Growth Attributes of Sugar-beet, Potato, and Barley in a Controlled Environment: With two Figures in the Text
Affiliation:Rothamsted Experimental Station Harpenden, Herts
Abstract:Sugar-beet, potato, and barley plants were grown in a controlledenvironment, for periods of up to 10 weeks from sowing, witha light intensity of 1,8oo f.c. (4·9 cal./cm.2/hr.) anda temperature of 20° C. during the 18-hour photoperiod and15° C. during the dark period, to test whether net assimilationrate varied with age and differed between the three species. Net assimilation rate of all species based on leaf area (EA)fell approximately linearly with time. During 5 weeks EA ofsugar-beet decreased by only about 20 per cent. and EA of potatodecreased by 50 per cent. EA of barley remained approximatelyconstant for 4 weeks after sowing and was halved during thesubsequent 4 weeks. The average value of EA for all times wasgreatest for sugarbeet and least for barley. Net assimilation rates based on leaf weight (EW) and leaf N(EN) decreased at about 15 per cent. of the initial value perweek for all species; this was similar to the mean rate of decreaseof EA of potato and barley, but greater than that of EA of sugar-beet.Mean values of EW or EN for potato and barley were similar andless than for sugar-beet. Relative growth rate (RW), relative leaf growth-rate (RA), andleaf-area ratio (F) fell with time at similar rates for allspecies. Average values of RW decreased and of F increased inthe order sugar-beet, potato, barley. RA was greatest for potatoand least for barley.
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