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Die rezente Verbreitung der Flusskrebse in Hessen (Decapoda: Astacidae)
Authors:Jürgen H. Jungbluth
Affiliation:1. Zoologisches Institut I, Morphologischer Lehrstuhl, Universität Heidelberg, Berliner Strasse 15, 69, Heidelberg, B.R.D.
  1. This investigation demonstrates the presence of three different species in Hessen (West Germany). By means of three maps the recent distribution is demonstrated.
  2. Astacus astacus is still present in Hessen in small populations.
  3. Austropotamobius torrentium is the rarest species and was recorded only in the Taunus-, Spessart- und Odenwald mountains.
  4. Oronectes limosus, in the rivers Rhein and Main numerous before 1950, has become scarce. In the river Fulda there have been only two recordings in 1958.
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