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Periodic maternal deprivation and lesion of anterodorsal thalami nuclei induce alteration on hypophyso adrenal system activity in adult rats
Authors:Suárez M M  Rivarola M A  Molina S M  Perassi N I  Levin G M  Cabrera R
Affiliation:Instituto y Cátedra de Fisiología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. msuarez@mater.fcm.unc.edu.ar
Abstract:The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is normally regulated by extrahypothalamic limbic structures, among these, the anterodorsal thalami nuclei (ADTN), which exert an inhibitory influence on HPA, in basal and acute stress conditions in rats. In the present work we have investigated whether neonatal maternal deprivation (MD) produces long-term changes in the ADTN regulation of HPA activity. Maternal deprivation, in female rats, for 4.5 hs daily, during the first 3 weeks of life, produced at 3 months old, a significant decrease in plasma ACTH concentration (p<0.001) and an increase in plasma corticosterone (C) (p<0.001), compared to control non-deprived rats (NMD). Also MD showed higher plasma epinephrine (E) and norepinephrine (NE) levels than NMD rats. The increase of NE (66.6% p<0.001) was higher than that observed in E (19%). After 30 days of ADTN lesion, plasma ACTH values were higher than in sham lesioned rats, in both NMD and MD animals. ACTH response was greater in MD rats. Plasma C, in NMD, was higher, whereas in MD lesioned animals, it was significantly lower than in sham lesioned. In MD rats, lesion produced a significant increase in plasma E and NE (p<0.001), and again, NE increase was higher than E increase. The more accentuated increase of NE than E, suggests sympathetic nervous system hyperactivity. In summary, neonatal maternal deprivation induces long-term alterations on HPA axis sensitivity and medullo adrenal secretion; enhanced sympathetic nervous system activity and, therefore affected the ADTN inhibitory influence on ACTH and adrenal glands secretion.
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