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The Length of the A-M3 Linker Is a Crucial Determinant of the Rate of the Ca2+ Transport Cycle of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase
Authors:Anne Nyholm Holdensen and Jens Peter Andersen
Affiliation:Centre for Membrane Pumps in Cells and Disease-PUMPKIN, Danish National Research Foundation, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Abstract:Ion translocation by the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase depends on large movements of the A-domain, but the driving forces have yet to be defined. The A-domain is connected to the ion-binding membranous part of the protein through linker regions. We have determined the functional consequences of changing the length of the linker between the A-domain and transmembrane helix M3 (“A-M3 linker”) by insertion and deletion mutagenesis at two sites. It was feasible to insert as many as 41 residues (polyglycine and glycine-proline loops) in the flexible region of the linker without loss of the ability to react with Ca2+ and ATP and to form the phosphorylated Ca2E1P intermediate, but the rate of the energy-transducing conformational transition to E2P was reduced by >80%. Insertion of a smaller number of residues gave effects gradually increasing with the length of the insertion. Deletion of two residues at the same site, but not replacement with glycine, gave a similar reduction as the longest insertion. Insertion of one or three residues in another part of the A-M3 linker that forms an α-helix (“A3 helix”) in E2/E2P conformations had even more profound effects on the ability of the enzyme to form E2P. These results demonstrate the importance of the length of the A-M3 linker and of the position and integrity of the A3 helix for stabilization of E2P and suggest that, during the normal enzyme cycle, strain of the A-M3 linker could contribute to destabilize the Ca2E1P state and thereby to drive the transition to E2P.The sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA)2 is a membrane-bound ion pump that transports Ca2+ against a steep concentration gradient, utilizing the energy derived from ATP hydrolysis (13). It belongs to the family of P-type ATPases, in which the γ-phosphoryl group of ATP is transferred to a conserved aspartic acid residue during the reaction cycle. Both phospho and dephospho forms of the enzyme undergo transitions between so-called E1 and E2 conformations (Scheme 1). The E1 and E1P states display specificity for reaction with ATP and ADP, respectively (“kinase activity”), whereas E2P and E2 react with water and Pi instead of nucleotide (“phosphatase activity”). The E1 dephosphoenzyme of the Ca2+-ATPase binds two Ca2+ ions with high affinity from the cytoplasmic side, thereby triggering the phosphorylation from ATP. In E1P, the Ca2+ ions are occluded with no access to either side of the membrane, and Ca2+ is released to the luminal side after the conformational transition to E2P, likely in exchange for protons being countertransported. The structural organization and domain movements leading to Ca2+ translocation have recently been elucidated by crystallization of SERCA in various conformational states thought to represent intermediates in the pump cycle (47). SERCA is made up of 10 membrane-spanning mostly helical segments, M1–M10 (numbered from the N terminus), of which M4–M6 and M8 contribute liganding groups for Ca2+ binding, and a cytoplasmic headpiece separated into three distinct domains, named A (“actuator”), P (“phosphorylation”), and N (“nucleotide binding”). The A-domain appears to undergo considerable movement during the functional cycle. In the E1/E1P states, the highly conserved TGE183S loop of the A-domain is at great distance from the catalytic center containing nucleotide-binding residues and the phosphorylated Asp351 of the P-domain, but during the Ca2E1P → E2P transition, the A-domain rotates ∼90° around an axis perpendicular to the membrane, thereby moving the TGE183S loop into close contact with the catalytic site such that Glu183 can catalyze dephosphorylation of E2P (8, 9). During the dephosphorylation, Glu183 likely coordinates the water molecule attacking the aspartyl phosphoryl bond and withdraws a hydrogen. Hence, the movement of the A-domain during the Ca2E1P → E2P transition is the event that changes the catalytic specificity from kinase activity to phosphatase activity. During the dephosphorylation of E2P → E2, there is only a slight change of the position of the A-domain, and a large back-rotation is needed to reach the E1 form from E2; thus, the A-domain rotation defines the difference between the E1/E1P class of conformations and the E2/E2P class. Because the A-domain is physically connected to transmembrane helices M1–M3 through the linker segments A-M1, A-M2, and A-M3, the A-domain movement occurring during the Ca2E1P → E2P transition may be a key event in the opening of the Ca2+ sites toward the lumen, thus explaining the coupling of ATP hydrolysis to Ca2+ translocation. An important unanswered question is, however, how the movement of the A-domain is brought about. Which are the driving forces that destabilize Ca2E1P and/or stabilize E2P such that the energy-transducing Ca2E1P → E2P transition takes place? To answer this, it seems important to elucidate the exact roles of the linkers. Intriguing results have been obtained by Suzuki and co-workers, who demonstrated the importance of the A-M1 linker in connection with luminal release of Ca2+ from E2P (10). In this study, we have addressed the role of the A-M3 linker. An alignment of two crystal structures thought to resemble the Ca2E1P and E2·Pi forms (5), respectively, is shown in Fig. 1. The A-domain rotation is associated with formation of a helix (“A3 helix”) in the N-terminal part of the A-M3 linker, and this helix seems to interact with a helix bundle consisting of the P5–P7 helices of the P-domain, a feature exhibited by all published crystal structures of the E2 type (cf. supplemental Fig. S1 and Ref. 11). Moreover, when structures of similar crystallographic resolution are compared (as in Fig. 1), the non-helical part of the A-M3 linker in E2-type structures has a higher relative temperature factor (“B-factor”) than the corresponding segment in Ca2E1P (Fig. 1C, thick part colored orange-red for high temperature factor), thus suggesting a higher degree of freedom of movement relative to Ca2E1P. Hence, the A-M3 linker appears more strained in Ca2E1P compared with E2 forms, and the greater flexibility of the linker in E2 forms may promote the formation of the A3 helix.Open in a separate windowSCHEME 1.Ca2+-ATPase reaction cycle.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.A-M3 linker configuration in E1- and E2-type crystal structures. Crystal structures with Protein Data Bank codes 2zbd (Ca2E1P analog) and 1wpg (E2·Pi analog) are shown aligned. A, overview of structure 2zbd in bluish colors with green A-M3 linker and structure 1wpg in reddish colors with wheat A-M3 linker. B, magnification of the A-M3 linker (corresponding to the red box in A) with arrows indicating site 1, between Glu243 and Gln244, and site 2, between Gly233 and Lys234, in both conformations. The green A-M3 linker to the right is structure 2zbd. The wheat A-M3 linker to the left is structure 1wpg. Note the kinked A3 helix forming part of the latter structure. C, same A-M3 linker structures as in B but with the magnitude of the temperature factor (B-factor) indicated in colors (red > orange > yellow > green > blue) and by tube diameter. Because the two crystal structures selected here as E1- and E2-type representatives have similar crystallographic resolution (2.40 and 2.30 Å, respectively), the differences in temperature factor in specific regions provide direct information about chain flexibility.Here, we have determined the functional consequences of changing the length (and thereby likely the strain) of the A-M3 linker. Polyglycine and glycine-proline loops of varying lengths were inserted at two different sites in the linker (Fig. 1), and deletions were also studied. Rather unexpectedly, we were able to insert as many as 41 residues in one of the sites without loss of expression or ability to react with Ca2+ and ATP, forming Ca2E1P, but the Ca2E1P → E2P transition was greatly affected.
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