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Un biofacies à Trilobites Homalonotidae dans I'Ordovicien de la marge nord-gondwanienne: implications paléobiologiques et paléogéographiques
Affiliation:Laboratoire de Micropaléontologie et Paléontologie Marines, Institut de Géologie de I'Universitéde Rennes I, campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes cedex. France;Jacques Destombes. Goudou-Boussan, 31420 Aurignac, France
Abstract:During the Llandeilo, the sandy lithological units which develop locally in the Armorican Massif, Spain and Morocco, are all characterized by similar trilobite associations in which endobenthic homalonotids. well adapted to shallow water and sandy substrate, are predominant. During the Llandeilo, on the northern Gondwanan margin, the wide geographical distribution of most of the trilobites, controlled by environmental factors, shows that the existence of a 'Proto-Tethys' ocean is unlikely. □ North Gondwana, Trilobita, Homalonotidae, Ordovician, Llandeilo. palaeoenvironment.
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