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The Regulation of Proton/Amino Acid Symport in Riccia fluitans L. by Cytosolic pH and Proton Pump Activity
Abstract:In the aquatic liverwort Riccia fluitans the regulation of theplasma membrane H+/amino acid symport has been investigated.Cytosolic pH (pHc), membrane potential (Em) and membrane conductancehave been measured and related to transport data, (i) The releaseof [14C]amino acids is strongly stimulated by cytosolic acidification,induced by the external addition of acetic acid, a decreasein external K+, and in the change from light to dark. On average,a decrease in pHc of 0.5 to 0.6 units corresponded with a 4-foldstimulation in amino acid efflux. (ii) External pH changes havefar less effect on substrate transport than the cytosolic pHshifts of the same order. (iii) The inwardly directed positivecurrent, induced by amino acids, is severely inhibited by cytosolicacidification. (iv) Fusicoccin (FC) stimulates amino acid uptakewithout considerable change in proton motive force. (v) Whenthe proton motive force is kept constant, the uptake of aminoacids into Riccia thalli is much lower than when the pump isdeactivated. It is suggested that both the proton pump activityand cytosolic pH are the dominant factors in the regulationof the H+/amino acid symport across the plasma membrane of Ricciafluitans, and it is concluded that the proton motive force isnot a reliable quantity to predict and interpret transport kinetics. Key words: Amino acid, cytosolic pH, pH-sensitive electrode, proton motive force, regulation, Riccia fluitans
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