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A Comparison of the Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration of Apples
Authors:FIDLER   J. C.
  1. The loss of carbohydrate, acid, and cell-wall material, andthe production of carbon dioxide and alcohol, have been studiedin apples under aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
  2. The changesin all these metabolites, except the cell-wall material,proceedin a regular manner.
  3. The presence of oxygen has a conservingeffect on the loss ofcarbohydrate.
  4. The presence or absenceof oxygen is without effect on the rateof loss of acid.
  5. Therate of loss of acid is proportional to the logarithm ofitsconcentration and is constant for a given variety of apple.
  6. The loss of carbohydrate plus acid accounts quantitativelyforthe production of carbon dioxide and alcohol, both in airorin nitrogen.
  7. The anaerobic respiration of carbohydrateby apples is identical,so far as the nature and quantity ofthe end products are concerned,with the alcohol fermentationof yeast.
  8. The carbon dioxide which is produced in nitrogen,over and abovethat produced in fermentation, is equivalentto that which wouldbe produced by oxidation of the acid.
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