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Phylogenetic Studies in the Monocot Subclass Alismatidae: Evidence for a Reappraisal of the Aquatic Order Najadales
Authors:Les Donald H.   Garvin Denise K.  Wimpee Charles F.
Abstract:Within the angiosperm subclass Alismatidae (= superorder Alismatiflorae), contemporary taxonomists have often assigned the families Hydrocharitaceae and Najadaceae to different orders. The Najadaceae are presumably allied to a variety of aquatic families in the order Najadales, whereas the Hydrocharitaceae have been segregated as the order Hydrocharitales or placed within the order Alismatales. Analyses of DNA sequence data from the chloroplast gene rbcL, however, indicate that Najadaceae have a much closer phylogenetic relationship to Hydrocharitaceae than to families of the "Najadales" (Cymodoceaceae, Potamogetonaceae, Ruppiaceae, Scheuchzeriaceae, Zannichelliaceae, Zosteraceae). This association supports previous studies based upon examination of floral structure and seed coat anatomy. The rbcL sequence data also indicate that the Zosteraceae and Potamogetonaceae are closely related families. The rbcL sequence of Zostera is actually more similar to that of Potamogeton richardsonii than is the sequence of the latter to a congener, Potamogeton amplifolius. The marine, dioecious, hydrophilous genus Zostera has acquired a number of distinctive adaptations, but probably diverged relatively rapidly from freshwater Potamogetonaceae. Molecular data place Ruppiaceae as a sister group to the marine Cymodoceaceae and do not support the commonly accepted merger of Ruppiaceae and Potamogetonaceae.
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