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Uptake of zinc from chelate-buffered nutrient solutions by wheat genotypes differing in zinc efficiency
Authors:Rengel, Zdenko   Graham, Robin D.
Abstract:Zinc-efficient Triticum aestivum (cv. Warigal) and Zn-inefficientTriticum turgidum conv. durum (cv. Durati) were grown in chelate-buffered,complete nutrient solutions providing either deficient or sufficientZn supply. When transferred to fresh chelatebuffered nutrientsolutions containing a wide range of Zn supplies (0–1.28µmol m–3 Zn2+ activity) for 24–48 h, bothgenotypes increased net Zn uptake linearly with an increasein solution Zn2+ activities. Zincefficient Warigal accumulatedZn at a greater rate than Zn-inefficient Durati. The greaterrate of net Zn uptake was observed by plants of both genotypeswhen pretreated at deficient Zn supply. Net loss of Zn to thesolution was higher in plants pretreated with sufficient Znand was inversely related to Zn2+ activity in the external solution.When continuously supplied with 40 nmol m–3 Zn2+, netZn uptake by Zn-efficient Warigal was significantly greaterthan that of Zn-inefficient Durati, but the difference diminishedwith plant age. Shoot concentrations of Fe, Mn and Cu were higherwhen plants were grown at deficient than at sufficient Zn supply.The Zn-efficient genotype transported less Zn and Fe to shootsand had higher Fe concentrations in roots than the Zn-inefficientgenotype, supporting the hypothesis that Zn efficiency may beconnected with inefficient transport of Fe from roots to shootsand thus initiation of the Fe-deficiency response resultingin increased release of Zn- and Fe-binding phytosiderophores.It is concluded that differential Zn efficiency of wheat genotypesis at least partly due to a greater ability of efficient genotypesto accumulate Zn. Key words: Chelate-buffering, genotypes, micronutrients, Triticum spp., uptake, zinc efficiency
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