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Phytochrome-Mediated Photoorientation of Chloroplasts in Protonemal Cells of the Fern Adiantum Can be Induced by Brief Irradiation with Red Light
Authors:Kagawa, Takatoshi   Kadota, Akeo   Wada, Masamitsu
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University Hachioji, Tokyo, 192-03 Japan
Abstract:Measuring the ratio of the number of photooriented chloroplaststo the total number of chloroplasts, we found that photoorientationof chloroplasts in protonemata of the fern Adiantum capillus-veneriscould be induced by brief irradiation with polarized red light.After irradiation with red light (R) of 3 or 10 min, orientationalmovement was detected as early as 10 min after the irradiation;it continued during the subsequent dark period for 30–60min, after which chloroplasts gradually dispersed again. WhenR-treated protonemata were irradiated briefly with a second10-min pulse of R, 60 min after the onset of the first irradiation,the orientational response of chloroplasts was again observed.Typical red/far-red photoreversibility was apparent in the response,indicating the involvement of phytochrome. By contrast, irradiationwith polarized blue light for 10 min was ineffective, whileirradiation with blue light (B) at the same fluence for a longerperiod of time clearly induced the photoorientation of chloroplasts.It is likely that longterm irradiation is necessary for theresponse mediated by a blue-light receptor. When protonemata were irradiated with far-red light (FR) immediatelyafter R or after a subsequent dark period of 10 min, the magnitudeof the orientational response was smaller and chloroplasts dispersedmore quickly than those exposed to R alone. When FR was appliedat 50 min, when the response to R had reached the maximum level,chloroplasts again dispersed rapidly to their dark positions.These results indicate that PFR not only induces the photoorientationmovement of chloroplasts but also fixes the chloroplasts atthe sites to which they have moved as a result of photoorientation. (Received June 2, 1993; Accepted January 11, 1994)
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