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Physiological Studies in Plant Nutrition: XVI. The Mineral Nutrition of Bracken
Authors:SCHWABE   W. W.
Affiliation:Research Institute of Plant Physiology, Imperial College of Science and Technology London
  1. The nutritional requirements of the bracken sporophyte wereexamined in a factorial combination of 3 potassium levels x2phosphorus levels x3 solution types, in which the cations weremainly Na, Ca, or NH4.
  2. The effects of nitrogen and phosphorusdeficiency and of shadingunder conditions of high and low potassiumsupply were alsoexamined.
  3. Leaf area, total dry weight, andnet assimilation rates aremuch depressed by lack of eitherK or P.
  4. Water contents of leaves and rhizomes are generallyincreasedby lack of K when Na is present in the culture mediumbut notwhen Ca is in excess.Phosphorus causes diminished succulence.
  5. Starch content increases as phosphorus supply is lowered.Withincreasing doses of K, starch content falls in the highcalciumsolution, while increasing in the other two solutiontypes.
  6. Reduction of light intensity is shown to have a beneficialeffectunder conditions of K deficiency.
  7. Analysis revealscomplex interactions between the various factors,and possibletoxic effect of Na, NH4, and excess P. An estimateof the relativeimportance of net assimilation rate, leaf numberand area perleaf in determining total plant size has been calculatedforthe different nutrient treatments. Comparisons are madewithprevious results for barley and flax.
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