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Stability and Enzymatic Studies of Glucose Dehydrogenase from the Archaeon Haloferax mediterranei in reverse micelles
Authors:Carmen Pire   Frutos C. Marhuenda-egea  Julia Esclapez  Luis Alcaraz  Juan Ferrer  Maria Jos   Bonete
Affiliation:Carmen Pire ,Frutos C. Marhuenda-egea,Julia Esclapez,Luis Alcaraz,Juan Ferrer,Maria José, Bonete
Abstract:Reverse micelles were used as a cytoplasmic model to study the kinetics of an extreme halophilic enzyme such as the recombinant glucose dehydrogenase from the Archaeon Haloferax mediterranei. This enzyme was solubilized in reverse micelles of hexadecyltrimethylammoniumbromide in cyclohexane, with 1-butanol as co-surfactant. Glucose dehydrogenase retained its catalytic properties in this organic medium, showing good stability at low water content, even at low salt concentration (125 mM NaCl). The dependence of the enzymatic activity on the molar water surfactant ratio (w0=[H2O]/[surfactant]) increased with rising water content. Surprisingly, the activity of this extreme halophilic enzyme did not depend on the salt concentration in reverse micelles. The kinetic of the enzymatic oxidation of β-D-glucose to D-glucono-1,5-lactone using NADP+ as coenzyme for the glucose dehydrogenase from Haloferax mediterranei was also studied in the reverse micellar system.
Keywords:Archaea  Halophilic enzyme  Glucose dehydrogenase  CTAB  Reverse micelles
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