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Utilization of mangrove wood products around mida creek (Kenya) amongst subsistence and commercial users
Authors:F. Dahdouh-Guebas  C. Mathenge  J. G. Kairo  N. Koedam
Affiliation:1. Laboratory of General Botany and Nature Management, Mangrove Management Group, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050, Brussel, Belgium
2. Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, PO Box 81651, Mombasa, Kenya
Abstract:Mida Creek (Kenya) comprises mangrove forests and other marine resources that are of economic, ecological, and environmental importance to the local village communities. In total 116 households (100 of which could be used for numerical analysis), which are estimated to correspond to a coverage of ca. 30% of the total Mida Creek population, were interviewed to assess the human reliance on mangrove resources in Mida Creek. The survey indicates that mangroves are a major resource of wood for house construction, fuel wood, charcoal, and boat building. Minor uses of mangrove products include pharmaceutical and medicinal applications, tanning material, and furniture making. Rhizophora mucronata, Ceriops tagal, and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza are the major resources for house construction and fuel wood, while Sonneratia alba and Xylocarpus granatum were reported to be useful for boat building and medicinal uses respectively. The survey further describes harvesting activities and house construction, and reveals species preferences within this one particular use. As a result of depletion of the supply and the banning of mangrove harvesting, the local people are turning to other wood materials and to poaching. In our view, local utilization patterns rather than global usefulness data are required to establish a conservation policy of both mangroves and users’ subsistence requirements.
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