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Tit for Tat: sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) 'trusting' a cooperating partner
Authors:Milinski, Manfred   K{diaeresis}lling, David   Kettler, Rolf
Affiliation:Abteilung Verhaltensökologie, Zoologisches Institut, Universitat Bern Wohlenstrasse 50 a, CH-3032 Hinterkappelen, Switzerland
Abstract:Individual three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus)moved closer to a predatory trout when a ‘cooperator’stickleback, which the test fish could see through a one-waymirror, swam up to the predator than when a ‘defector’stickleback appeared to swim only half as close to the predator.After four training runs with both types of partners, the formercooperator also defected. The test fish continued to move closerto the predator in the presence of the former cooperator eventhough both the former cooperator and the defector now appearedto stop in their approach to the predator at the same distance.This shows that probable partners build up trust.
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