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Authors:Theodore H  Fleming
Institution:Department of Biology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida 33124, U.S.A
Abstract:This study presents data on the roosting and feeding behaviour of Pied Wagtails around Oxford, England. During the winter of 1977–78, from two to 1200 wagtails roosted in a Phragmites reed-bed. Use of this roost was greatest during mild, windless weather and the birds apparently used alternate roosts during harsh weather. Movement between roosts sometimes occurred between sunset and sunrise. Morning ‘departure group’ size, number leaving per unit time and diversity of departure directions increased with roost size. Wagtails quickly left the vicinity in the morning. In the afternoon, they joined one or more pre-roost gatherings before entering the roost for the night. Behaviour upon arrival at the roost was variable: birds might enter the reeds quickly or circle in large groups before landing. Aerial revolutions and generally ‘restless’ behaviour often accompanied increases in roost size. Wagtail feeding rates varied significantly between and within habitats. Number of wagtails feeding on the flooded Port Meadow, located 2–3 km south of the main roost, varied from about five to over 60 on different days; these numbers were not correlated with feeding rates. In contrast, the number of birds feeding at a sewage farm was nearly constant all winter. Some wagtails show high fidelity to feeding areas but others do not. Five short-term food supplementation experiments indicated that wagtails knowledgeable about a dense food source are not followed in the morning by naive birds. Results of this study are discussed in relation to the predation, physiology and information centre hypotheses that have been suggested to explain communal roosting in birds. I conclude that the communal roosting system of Pied Wagtails has physiological and anti-predator functions. Wagtails appear to choose certain roosts because of the protection that they provide from adverse climate and predation.
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