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The analysis of response similarity in single neurons of the goldfish olfactory bulb using amino-acids as odor stimuli
Authors:Meredith   Michael
Abstract:The response of goldfish olfactory bulb neurons to a range ofamino acid olfactory stimuli was recorded. The results showthat comparisons of response patterns at a single concentrationare inadequate to describe the similarity of response of thesystem to pairs of substances because response patterns changedwith concentration. For some pairs of stimuli, the similaritybetween response patterns was consistent at different concentrationsdespite the changes seen in the responses themselves. In thesecases the similarity of response appeared to reflect the degreeof similarity in chemical structure of the stimuli. Preliminaryevidence is presented that differences in response to differentamino acids are not simply due to differences in stimulatoryeffectiveness for a single receptor process.
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