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Les hommes du Paléolithique supérieur d’Afalou Bou Rhummel (Bedjaia, Algérie). Interprétation nouvelle des cinétiques cranio-faciales et des effets de l’avulsion dentaire. Malformations crâniennes, troubles de la croissance, anomalies et maladies alvéolo-dentaires
Authors:Djillali Hadjouis
Affiliation:Laboratoire départemental d’archéologie du Val-de-Marne, 7, rue Guy-Moquet, 94800, Villejuif et UMR 6569 du CNRS, Institut de paléontologie humaine, 1, rue René-Panhard, 75013 Paris, France
Abstract:New research lines by the author favours interpretation tracks and analytics investigation fields that were not considered in traditional paleoanthropology. New readings of biodynamic morphogenesis supported by digitised architectural analysis emphasize not only the dynamic of different cranio-facial kinetics but also the determination when this is possible from causes and effects. To say the approach which study is the analysis of deep structure of skull unveils in some sense the state of the structure whether it is normal, abnormal or pathologic. The study of relations between Afalou’s humans numerous cranio-facial anomalies and maxillo-mandibular dysmorphosis and malocclusions gives an account of the interest played by biodynamic morphogenesis and cranio-facial architecture in the morpho-functional interpretation of relations skull/face/tooth. In this context, the dental extraction of upper incisors, ritual which was operated not only adolescents but also on temporary dentition children, was in part responsible for the development first of an hypomaxillie then the inbalance of sphenoidal and occipital complexes. In addition to the mutilated nature of anterior dentitions, the study of about thirty skulls emphasized numerous craniofacial malformations showing different kind of asymetries (rotation lateral flexion, torsion, plagiocephaly).
Keywords:Ciné  tique cranio-faciale   Biodynamique   Malformation   Malocclusion   Avulsion   Dents   Algé  rie
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