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Holotrich Ciliates from the Stomach of Hippopotamus amphibius, with Descriptions of Two New Genera and Four New Species
Affiliation:Dept. of Zoology, Makerere Univ., Kampala, Uganda and Laboratoire de Zoologie &Biologie Cellulaire, Laboratoire associéau C.N.R.S. No. 138, Univ. de Clermont-Ferrand, Complexe Scientifique des Cézeaux B.P. No. 45, Aubière, France
Abstract:SYNOPSIS. Holotrich ciliates from the stomach contents of Hippopotamus amphibius are described, including details of their infraciliature. They are placed in 4 families: subclass Holotrichia, order Gymnostomatida, suborder Rhabdophorina, family Buetschliidae: Blepharozoum binucleatum n.sp., Cucurbella vivax n.g., n.sp.; order Trichostomatida, family Plagiopylidae: Paraplagiopyla kiboko n.g., n.sp.; family Paraisotrichidae: Paraisotricha minuta Hsiung, 1930; family Blepharocorythidae: Charonina hippopotami n.sp. Paraisotricha minuta appears identical to the form found in the cecum and colon of the horse; Blepharozoum binucleatum, Cucurbella vivax and Charonina hippopotami also approach species found in the digestive tract of Equidae. By contrast, Paraplagiopyla kiboko resembles species that are free-living or are commensal in the digestive tract of Echinodermata.
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