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Food of Iago omanensis, a deep water shark from the northern Red Sea
Authors:G. N. H. Waller   A. Baranes
Affiliation:Interuniversity Institute, H. Steinitz Marine Biology Laboratory, P.O. Box 469, Eilat, Israel 88103
Abstract:Stomach contents of 252 lago omanensis were examined. Sharks were collected in deep water between 150 and 450 m depth off the Marine Laboratory of Eilat. This species feeds on benthopelagic fishes, deep water cephalopods, crustaceans, benthic molluscs and polychaetes. Cephalopods were the main food of I. omanensis , except during the summer when fishes (mainly myctophids) were ingested in greater quantity. Stomachs also contained terrigenous plant matter, animal remains and large quantities of mud. Prey taxa included two new cephalopod records for the Red Sea.
Keywords:Iago omanensis    diet    Enoploteuthidae    Myctophidae    Red Sea
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