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Ultrastructure of neural crest formation in the midbrain/rostral hindbrain and preotic hindbrain regions of the mouse embryo
Authors:D H Nichols
Abstract:In the mouse embryo, neural crest mesenchyme associated with the first and second pharyngeal arches escapes from the epithelium that forms the tips of the midbrain/rostral hindbrain and preotic hindbrain neural folds. To investigate the ultrastructure of crest formation, embryos with four to eight pairs of somites were processed for transmission electron microscopy. In the earliest event related to crest formation, crest precursors in the midbrain/rostral hindbrain elongated and moved all or most of their contents to the basal region of the epithelium. Elongation was probably mediated by apical bands of microfilaments and longitudinally oriented microtubules. Elongated cells then relinquished apical associations while nonelongated cells maintained those associations and withdrew from the basal lamina. This resulted in an epithelium stratified into apical and basal (crest precursor) layers. The coalescence of enlarging extra-cellular spaces opened a delaminate gap between the two layers. Additional crest precursors entered this gap from the apical layer. From the time crest precursors began moving basally, some formed microfilament- and/or microtubule-containing processes, which penetrated the basal lamina. Some of these cells moved their contents into the larger, microtubule-containing processes, perhaps thereby escaping from the epithelium. Soon after elongating cells appeared, the basal lamina beneath the epithelium began to degrade in a pattern unrelated to process formation. This ultimately resulted in disruption of the lamina, dispersal of the basal layer of the epithelium, and release of the crest precursors in the delaminate gap. Once crest formation was complete, the apical layer reformed a basal lamina on a patch-by-patch, cell-by-cell basis. In the preotic hindbrain, elongating crest precursors apparently forced their basal faces through the basal lamina and then relinquished apical association to escape. As a result, the lamina was disrupted before the epithelium could stratify, and enlarged extracellular spaces appeared among mesenchymal cells rather than creating a delaminate gap. The failure of elongation to disrupt the basal lamina in the midbrain/rostral hindbrain and its success in the preotic hindbrain might be due to less-vigorous, less-concerted elongation in the midbrain/rostral hindbrain or to earlier, more rapid degradation of the lamina in the preotic hindbrain.
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