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Studies on the Ultrastructure and Histochemistry of Plant Cuticles: The Cuticular Membrane of Agave americana L. in situ
Affiliation:Institut für Botanische Biologie, Universität CH-1700 Freiburg, Switzerland
Long Ashton Research Station, University of Bristol Bristol, BS18 9AF
Abstract:The outer epidermal wall of Agave americana leaves was examinedin order to gain more information about the location and chemicalconstitution of the structural components. In middle aged leavesthe wall comprised six layers which were designated epicuticularwax, cuticle proper, exterior and interior cuticular layer,exterior and interior cellin wall. A lamellated structure, consistingof a series of electron translucent lamellae of uniform thicknessalternating with opaque ones of variable thickness, was observedin the thin cuticle proper on the outside of the cuticular membrane,even without heavy metal treatment. The cuticular layers underneathformed the bulk of the cuticular membrane and they also hadtwo components, an amorphous matrix permeated by a reticulumof fibrillae. Cutin, detected with osmium and with iodine/iodine-sulphuricacid–silver proteinate, was a major component of the opaquelamellae of the cuticle proper and the matrix of the cuticularlayer. Carbohydrates were absent from the cuticle proper butwere detected specifically in the fibrillae of the cuticularlayer and in the cellin wall. Pectic material seemed to be presenton both sides of the junction between cuticular membrane andcellin wall, but no discrete zone corresponding to light microscopicalobservations was detected in the electron microscope. Althoughthe lucent lamellae of the cuticle proper were tentatively ascribedto wax there was no structural or ultrahistochemical evidencefor the wax component of the cuticular layer. The various ultrahistochemicalreactions are discussed in relation to the known chemical compositionof the membrane. Agave americana L., epidermis wall, cuticular membrane, cuticle proper, cuticular layer, ultrahistochemistry, wax
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