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Differentiation of Lactobacillus Species by Molecular Typing
Authors:Wei Zhong  Kevin Millsap  Hanna Bialkowska-Hobrzanska  Gregor Reid
Affiliation:Lawson Research Institute1. and Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Western Ontario,2. London, Ontario, Canada
Abstract:A total of 64 type, reference, clinical, health food, and stock isolates of microaerophilic Lactobacillus species were examined by restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Of particular interest were members of six of the eight species most commonly recovered from the vaginas of healthy premenopausal women, namely, Lactobacillus jensenii, L. casei, L. rhamnosus, L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, and L. fermentum. Six main groupings were identified on the basis of ribotyping. This technique was able to classify fresh isolates to the species level. In the case of the ribotype A grouping for L. rhamnosus, differences between strains were evident by chromosome typing (chromotyping). Many isolates did not possess plasmids. Six L. rhamnosus strains isolated from four different health food products appeared to be identical to L. rhamnosus ATCC 21052. The molecular typing system is useful for identifying and differentiating Lactobacillus isolates. Studies of strains of potential importance to the urogenital flora should include molecular characterization as a means of comparing genetic traits with those of strains whose characteristics associated with colonization and antagonism against pathogens have been defined.Lactobacilli colonizing human tissues have long been considered important for the maintenance of a healthy gastrointestinal tract (4) and urogenital tract (20, 21, 22, 25). The disruption of the lactobacillus flora has been associated with many urogenital infections, and as these afflict over 150 million women worldwide each year, this area of study is an important one. Indeed, many patients resort to taking health food products containing lactobacilli as a means of trying to maintain a healthy intestinal (and in some cases vaginal) flora.The typing of lactobacilli has generally been conducted by cell and colony morphology and biochemical tests. These techniques type bacteria based on their ability to ferment sugars and produce acids such as lactic acid and acetic acid (9). Unfortunately, these typing methods are not completely accurate, and strains which show intermediate characteristics are frequently encountered (9, 33).Many studies emphasize that the classification of lactobacilli is unsatisfactory and does not reflect the real phylogenetic relatedness of different strains and species (6, 19, 30). Several new genetic and chemotaxonomic approaches have been used during the last 14 years with an aim of improving the classification and identification of lactobacilli: for example, analysis of plasmid content (18), sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis patterns of whole-cell protein (19) and of total soluble cell protein (8), sequencing of rRNA (5, 6, 19), restriction endonuclease fingerprinting (14, 30), and DNA-DNA hybridization (6, 17, 19, 27). All of these approaches have improved the taxonomic knowledge of the generic and suprageneric relationships of lactobacilli. However, no analysis of urogenital or health food isolates of lactobacilli by molecular typing has been reported.Plasmid typing of Lactobacillus strains has been suggested as a taxonomic tool in a number of reports (27, 31), but there is evidence to suggest that it is not very effective (2, 12, 15, 28), since plasmids can be absent or unstable.Chromosome typing (restriction endonuclease fingerprinting of chromosomal DNA) (chromotyping) has been applied to the discrimination of strains of lactobacilli and has been found more specific and reproducible than plasmid content analysis (14). However, one of the disadvantages of chromotyping is that comparing electrophoretic patterns consisting of up to 100 bands is difficult. Hence, chromotyping alone may not be widely used for typing large numbers of strains.A sensitive but rapid method for species differentiation involves the use of ribotyping (1, 27), which combines Southern hybridization of chromosomal DNA fingerprints with the use of Escherichia coli rRNA probes, thereby discriminating between various species and individual strains of lactobacilli. The method involves the separation and identification of the rRNA genes present within the bacterial genome, which exist in various copy numbers (10, 13), making it possible to delineate species based on differences in the restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the rRNA genes. Of particular importance is the fact that specific regions of the rRNA genes have remained well conserved because of their functional importance, thus allowing the detection of a broad range of bacteria with 16S and 23S rRNA of E. coli as probes.The aim of this study was to develop a method to test the efficacy of ribotyping of Lactobacillus type and reference strains and to use this method to characterize a number of clinical, health food, and laboratory isolates.
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