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Orientation of the chromophores in the reaction center of Rhodopseudomonas viridis. Comparison of low-temperature linear dichroism spectra with a model derived from X-ray crystallography
Affiliation:1. Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), CEA, CNRS, Univ Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, F-91198 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France;2. Key Laboratory of Photobiology, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, PR China
Abstract:Linear dichroism (LD) and absorption (A) spectra of reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas viridis included in the native chromatophores or reconstituted in planar aggregates have been recorded at 10 K. The samples were oriented in squeezed polyacrylamide gels and the primary donor P was in the reduced or (chemically) oxidized state. The LD spectra of reaction centers in these two states are in favor of a dimeric model of P in which excitonic coupling between the two non-parallel QY transitions leads to a main transition at 990 nm (parallel to the membrane plane) and another one of smaller oscillator strength at 850 nm (tilted at approx. 60° out of the membrane plane). These assignments are in close agreement with the ones proposed in a previous LD study at room temperature (Paillotin, G., Verméglio, A. and Breton, J. (1979) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 545, 249–264). The main QX excitonic component of P has a broad absorption peaking at 620 nm and it corresponds to dipoles exhibiting the same orientation as those responsible for the 850 nm transition. On the basis of the present LD study and of CD data of chemically oxidized-minus-reduced reaction centers, we proposed that the minor QX excitonic component of P is oriented close to the membrane plane and absorbs around 660 nm. The two monomeric bacteriochlorophylls exhibit a positive LD for both their QY transitions (unresolved at 834 nm) and their QX transitions (resolved at 600 and 607 nm), indicating that the planes of these molecules are only slightly tilted out of the membrane plane. The two bacteriopheophytins exhibit strong negative LD with identical LD/A values for their QY transitions (resolved at 790 and 805 nm) and small positive LD for their QX transitions (resolved at 534 and 544 nm), demonstrating that these two molecules are strongly tilted out of the membrane plane with each of the QY transitions tilted at approx. 50° out of that plane. A comparison of these LD data with the structural model derived from X-ray crystallography (Deisenhofer, J., Epp, O., Miki, K., Huber, R. and Michel, H. (1984) J. Mol. Biol. 180, 385–398) clearly suggests that a good agreement exists between the results of the two techniques under the following conditions: (i) the C-2 symmetry axis of the reaction center runs along the membrane normal; (ii) excitonic coupling is present only in the primary donor special pair; and (iii) the direction of the optical transitions of the monomeric bacteriochlorophylls and of the bacteriopheophytins is not significantly perturbed by the interactions among the pigments. In addition, a carotenoid is detected in the isolated reaction center with an orientation rather perpendicular to the C-2 symmetry axis. Finally, a comparison of these data with similar ones obtained on the bacteriochlorophyll a-containing reaction center of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides 241 points towards a geometrical arrangement of the chromophores which is indistinguishable from the one observed in the reaction center of Rps. viridis.
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