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Age-Related Changes in Signalling of Need by Nestling Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor)
Authors:Marty L. Leonard,&   Andrew G. Horn
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Abstract:Despite a large literature on the ontogeny of behaviour, few studies have examined how the function of juvenile behaviour changes during development. One of the most widespread and important juvenile behaviours is begging, the display used by young animals to solicit food from their parents. Begging signals generally vary reliably with offspring need for food and have served as models for understanding the evolution of honest signalling. Little is known, however, about whether the relationship between begging and need varies over the period of rapid juvenile development. Here, we examine whether tree swallow, Tachycineta bicolor, begging calls consistently reflect hunger levels across the 20 d nestling period. We recorded begging calls at 5, 10 and 15 d post‐hatch, during an hour of food deprivation, and related call features to time without food (i.e. hunger) at each age. The overall correlation between call structure and hunger, as measured by canonical correlation, was consistent across ages. The particular features that correlated with hunger varied, however. Call rate and length increased with hunger at all ages, but call amplitude and frequency range increased with hunger at days 10 and 15 only. The results of our study suggest that begging calls consistently convey information about offspring hunger throughout the nestling period, with the number of call features encoding hunger increasing with nestling age. This change may enhance the ability of parents to assess offspring hunger levels by adding redundancy to the signal.
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