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Improvement of green plant regeneration by manipulation of anther culture induction medium of hexaploid wheat
Authors:Amina Redha  Attia Talaat
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Kuwait University, P.O. Box 5969, Safat, 13060, Kuwait
Abstract:Anthers of three hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes with high frequencies of albino regenerants in anther culture were compared to DH after inoculation on medium supplemented with ficoll, colchicine or maltose separately, pair-wise or combined, in an attempt to increase green plant regeneration. Maltose treatment produced more green regenerated plants than sucrose for all of the genotypes. The three chemicals combined in anther medium either reduced green plant regeneration or did not yield significantly different numbers of green regenerated plants compared to the maltose treatment. With DH fewer embryo-like structures (ELS) were obtained per 100 cultured anthers on all medium containing colchicine but greater frequencies of green plants per 100 ELS were obtained. It appeared that the increase in green regenerated plants per 100 ELS was due to a better quality of embryos that were capable of regenerating into green rather than albino plantlets. Smaller increases in green plants per 100 ELS were observed in ICR 4 and V-15 on colchicine containing medium compared to DH. Genotypic differences in anther culture response were observed for ELS per 100 cultured anthers (increased for V-37, decreased for DH and approx. the same for ICR 4 and V-15 in medium with all three chemicals compared to the sucrose control).
Keywords:Androgenesis  Colchicine  Ficoll  Maltose   Triticum aestivum
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