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引用本文:查应琴,潘 凤,关 萍. 镉胁迫对鸡冠花种子萌发及幼苗生理生化特性的影响[J]. 西北植物学报, 2020, 40(11): 1900-1908
作者姓名:查应琴  潘 凤  关 萍
作者单位:(贵州大学 生命科学学院/农业生物工程研究院,山地植物资源保护与种质创新教育部重点实验室,山地生态与农业生物工程协同创新中心,贵阳 550025)
摘    要:采用水培法和盆栽法测定分析不同浓度Cd(0、50、100、150、200 mg/L)胁迫对鸡冠花种子萌发、幼苗生物量、叶片光合色素、渗透调节物质(可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、脯氨酸)、丙二醛(MDA)、低分子巯基化合物(GSH、GSSG、Cys、NPT)含量以及抗氧化酶 (SOD、POD、CAT、APX)活性的影响,探讨鸡冠花耐受Cd胁迫的能力及其生理机制,为植物解毒机制提供基础资料。结果显示:(1)鸡冠花种子的发芽势、发芽率和发芽指数在低浓度Cd处理下提高,而活力指数、根长及苗长在各浓度Cd胁迫下均不同程度降低,以上指标均在低浓度(50、100 mg/L)Cd胁迫下受到显著抑制,且根长受抑制程度显著高于苗长;幼苗生物量(整株鲜重、地上部分鲜重及地下部分鲜重)在200 mg/L Cd胁迫时受到显著抑制,较对照分别下降了61.9%、58.4%和72.7%;根冠比及主根长虽未受到显著影响,但总体呈现降低趋势。(2)鸡冠花幼苗叶片叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量在100~200 mg/L Cd胁迫下均显著降低,叶片可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量在Cd胁迫下总体呈升高趋势,并分别在50、150、200 mg/L时显著升高。(3)鸡冠花幼苗叶片各抗氧化酶活性在Cd胁迫下呈不同变化趋势,POD和APX活性在各浓度Cd胁迫分别增加23.1%~304.2%和160.0%~280.0%;SOD活性在各浓度Cd胁迫均受到抑制,但仅在150 mg/L时显著降低43.2%;CAT活性在50~150 mg/L Cd胁迫下显著增强了46.6%~66.5%,但在200 mg/L Cd胁迫却显著降低59.5%。(4)高浓度(200 mg/L)Cd胁迫下鸡冠花幼苗叶片巯基化合物GSH、GSSG、Cys、NPT含量分别比对照上升了53.2%、164.2%、53.9%和0.79%,而GSH/GSSG比值显著降低。研究发现,鸡冠花种子萌发期和幼苗期对Cd胁迫均具有一定的耐受力,但高浓度Cd胁迫仍致使幼苗部分抗氧化酶活性降低,ROS过量积累,引起膜脂过氧化程度加深,其产物MDA含量逐渐升高;Cd胁迫促进低分子巯基化合物含量呈不同幅度的增加,但GSH/GSSG比值下降,细胞内氧化还原反应(Redox)受到抑制,导致幼苗正常生长代谢受阻,生物量持续降低。

关 键 词:镉胁迫;鸡冠花;种子萌发;渗透调节物质;抗氧化酶系统;巯基化合物

Seed Germination and Seedling Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Celosia cristata L. under Cadmium Stress
ZHA Yingqin,PAN Feng,GUAN Ping. Seed Germination and Seedling Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Celosia cristata L. under Cadmium Stress[J]. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2020, 40(11): 1900-1908
Authors:ZHA Yingqin  PAN Feng  GUAN Ping
Abstract:Using by hydroponic and potted methods, we explored different concentrations of Cd stress for Celosia cristata L. seed germination, biomass of seedlings, photosynthetic pigment, soluble protein, soluble sugar, proline and MDA contents, antioxidant enzyme activities (SOD, POD, CAT, APX) and low molecular sulfhydryl compounds (GSH, GSSG, Cys, NPT) contents to explore the ability of C. cristata L. to withstand Cd stress and its physiological mechanism, and to provide basic information for plant detoxification mechanism. The results showed that: (1) the germination potential, germination rate and germination index of C. cristata L. seeds were increased under the treatment of low concentration Cd, while the vigor index, root length and seedling length were reduced to varying degrees under Cd stress at various concentrations, and the above indicators were significantly inhibited under high concentration (50, 100 mg/L) Cd stress, and the degree of root growth inhibition was significantly higher than that of seedlings. The biomass of seedlings (whole plant fresh weight, fresh weight above ground and fresh weight underground) showed significant differences in 200 mg/L Cd stress, which decreased by 61.9%, 58.4% and 72.7% respectively compared to control, and although there was no significant difference between the root shoot ratio and the taproot length, the overall trend decreased, greatly affecting the growth of the roots. (2) The chlorophyll and carotenoids contents of C. cristata L. seedlings were significantly reduced under the stress of 100 to 200 mg/L Cd concentration, and the contents of leaf soluble protein, soluble sugar and proline increased significantly under Cd stress, and increased significantly at 50, 150, 200 mg/L, respectively. (3) The POD and APX activities increased by 23.1%-304.2% and 160.0%-280.0% in all Cd treatments, respectively; The SOD activity decreased in all Cd stress treatments, and decreased significantly by 43.2% under 150 mg/L Cd stress; The CAT activity increased significantly by 46.6%-66.5% under 50-150 mg/L Cd stress, while decreased significantly by 59.5% under 200 mg/L Cd stress. (4) The low molecular sulfhydryl compounds GSH, GSSG, Cys and NPT increased by 53.2%, 164.2%, 53.9% and 0.79%, respectively, under high Cd concentration (200 mg/L), while the GSH/GSSG ratio decreased significantly. The study found that C. cristata L. seed germination period and seedling stage have a certain tolerance to Cd stress, but the high concentration Cd stress still leads to the reduction of antioxidant enzyme activities in the seedling part, the excessive accumulation of ROS, resulting in a deeper degree of membrane lipid peroxidation, the product MDA content gradually increased; Cd stress promotes a different increase in low molecular sulfhydryl compounds, but the GSH/GSSG ratio decreases and the in cell Redox is inhibited, which causes the normal growth metabolism of seedlings was blocked and the biomass decreased continuously.
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