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Evaluation of Entomopathogenic Nematodes for the Control of Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Authors:Yoav Gazit  Yoram Rossler  Itamar Glazer
Abstract:The virulence of various entomopathogenic nematode (EPN) strains was evaluated against the Mediterranean fruit fly, C. capitata . The selected nematodes were assessed for their infectivity for the final larval stage of the insect host and under varying environmental conditions. Among 12 EPN strains tested, Steinernema riobrave Texas ( Sr TX) and Heterorhabditis sp. IS-5 (H IS-5), showed high activity and induced >80% mortality. Six EPN strains showed limited activity (>30% mortality), and four strains had no effect (<20% mortality). Sr TX was more effective than H IS-5. Mature C. capitata larvae were most susceptible to nematode infection during the first 4h after they began to emerge from their diet to pupate. Activity of the two nematode strains at a constant inoculation rate was dependent on insect larval density. The highest activity was recorded at 1.88 larvae cm -2 and decreased at higher larval densities. EPN activity was also directly related to nematode density. Maximal activity was shown at a density of 150 infective juveniles cm -2 . A similar activity pattern was also recorded with Sr TX in four different soil types. The persistence of this EPN in the soil extended over 5 days but there was no activity after 14 days. Except for a lower activity under cool conditions (17°C), temperatures ranging between 22 and 41°C, or moisture levels in the treated soil ranging between 3 and 20%, had no significant effect on nematode activity. Our results suggest that application of Sr TX against C. capitata may have potential for controlling C. capitata .
Keywords:Steinernema Sp. Ceratitis Capitata  Entomopathogenic Nematodes  Biological Control
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