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Genetic differentiation amongst fragrant orchids (Gymnadenia conopsea s.l.) in the British Isles
Affiliation:School of Life Sciences, John Maynard Smith Building, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 9QG, UK
Abstract:Genetic variation was examined in five microsatellite loci to seek evidence of genetic differentiation and restricted gene flow that would support the taxonomic division of Gymnadenia into three species ( G. borealis , G. conopsea , and G. densiflora ). A total of 107 alleles was detected in 17 populations from England, Scotland, and Ireland. The mean expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.48 to 0.81. The differentiation in allele frequencies amongst populations that had been assigned to each taxon on the basis of morphology was sufficiently large to support the taxa as distinct species. Phylogenetic trees based on microsatellite allele frequencies, as well as assignment tests, supported the existence of three distinct groups with at least partial restriction of gene flow between them. There was substantial homozygote excess, leading to high F IS estimates, for most loci in most populations. This is unlikely to have been a result of widespread null alleles, and more probably reflects a high level of inbreeding in G. conopsea . This inference requires further investigation. The implications of the results of this and other taxonomic studies for the conservation of Gymnadenia in Britain are discussed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 349–360.
Keywords:Gymnadenia borealis    Gymnadenia densiflora    microsatellites    orchid conservation    phylogenetic trees
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