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Single-molecule polymerase chain reaction reduces bias: application to DNA methylation analysis by bisulfite sequencing
Authors:Chhibber Aparna  Schroeder Benjamin G
Affiliation:Applied Biosystems, 850 Lincoln Centre Drive, Foster City, CA 94404, USA
Abstract:The treatment of DNA with bisulfite, which converts C to U but leaves 5-methyl-C unchanged, forms the basis of many analytical techniques for DNA methylation analysis. Many techniques exist for measuring the methylation state of a single CpG but, for analysis of an entire region, cloning and sequencing remains the gold standard. However, biases in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and in cloning can skew the results. We hypothesized that single-molecule PCR (smPCR) amplification would eliminate the PCR amplification bias because competition between templates that amplify at different efficiencies no longer exists. The amplified products can be sequenced directly, thus eliminating cloning bias. We demonstrated this accurate and unbiased approach by analyzing a sample that was expected to contain a 50:50 ratio of methylated to unmethylated molecules: a region of the X-linked FMR1 gene from a human female cell line. We compared traditional cloning and sequencing to smPCR and sequencing. Sequencing smPCR products gave an expected methylated to unmethylated ratio of 48:52, whereas conventional cloning and sequencing gave a biased ratio of 72:28. Our results show that smPCR sequencing can eliminate both PCR and cloning bias and represents an attractive approach to bisulfite sequencing.
Keywords:DNA methylation   5-Methylcytosine   Bisulfite   Single-molecule PCR   Artifacts   DNA sequencing
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