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The electronic state of heme in cytochrome oxidase II. Oxidation-reduction potential interactions and heme iron spin state behavior observed in reductive titrations.
Authors:G T Babcock  L E Vickery  G Palmer
Abstract:Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and optical absorption spectroscopies have been used to monitor the concentrations of oxidized and reduced heme and copper during stoichiometric reductive titrations of purified beef heart cytochrome oxidase. The MCD data are deconvoluted to obtain the concentrations of reduced cytochromes a and a3 during the titrations; analysis of the EPR spectra provides complementary data on the concentrations of the EPR-detectable species. For the native enzyme in the absence of exogenous ligands, cytochromes a and a3 are reduced to approximately the same extent at all points in the titration. The reduction of the EPR-detectable copper, on the other hand, initially lags the reduction of the two cytochromes but in the final stages of the titration is completely reduced prior to either cytochrome a or a3. These non-Nernstian titration results are interpreted to indicate that the primary mode of heme-heme interaction in cytochrome oxidase involves shifts in oxidation-reduction potential for each of the two cytochromes such that a change in oxidation state for one of the hemes lowers the oxidation-reduction potential of the second heme by approximately 135 mV. In these titrations high spin species are detected which account for 0.25 spin/oxidase maximally. Evidence is presented to indicate that at least some of these signals can be attributed to cytochrome a3+ which has undergone a low-spin to high-spin state transition in the course of the titration. In the presence of carbon monoxide the oxidation-reduction properties of cytochromes a and a3 are markedly altered. The a32+. CO complex is fully formed prior to reduction of either cytochrome a3+ or the EPR-detectable copper. The g = 3 EPR signal attributed to cytochrome a3+ decreases as the MCD intensity of cytochrome a2+ increases; no significant high-spin intensity is observed at any intermediate stage of reduction. We interpret these Nernstian titration results to indicate that in the presence of ligands the oxidation-reduction potential of cytochrome a relative to cytochrome a3 is determined by the oxidation-reduction state of the stabilized cytochrome a3 ligand complex; if ligand binding occurs to reduced cytochrome a3 then cytochrome a titrates with a lower potential; cytochrome a titrates with a higher potential if oxidized cytochrome a3 is stabilized by ligand binding.
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