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Permeability change in transformed mouse fibroblasts caused by ionophores,and its relationship to membrane permeabilization by exogenous ATP
Authors:Ilan Friedberg  Gary A. Weisman  Barun K. De
Affiliation:(1) Department of Microbiology, The George S. Wise Centre of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, 69978 Tel Aviv, Israel;(2) Section of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology, Cornell University, 14853 Ithaca, New York
Abstract:Summary Electrogenic ionophores have been found to induce membrane permeabilization in Swiss mouse 3T3 cells that had undergone spontaneous transformation (3T6 cells). Cells attached to plastic dishes were loaded with [3H] uridine, and then the medium was replaced by buffered salt solution at pH 7.8. The enhancement of membrane permeability was assayed by following the efflux of uridine nucleotides, normally impermeant substances. Titration with electrogenic ionophores, such as carbonylcyanidem-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), SF-6847 and gramicidin D, markedly increased the membrane permeability within a very narrow range of ionophore concentration. Nonelectrogenic ionophores, such as monensin and nigericin, did not affect membrane permeability. Measurements of the distribution of the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) between the cells and their environment implied that the remarkable increase in permeability took place within a narrow range of membrane potential (Deltapsgr). The data could be explaine by a Deltapsgr threshold value, under which aqueous channels are opened in the plasma membrane. The effects exerted by electrogenic ionophores on the plasma membrane were found to be similar to those induced by exogenous ATP. In both cases rapid efflux of K+, influx of Na+ and reduction of Deltapsgr preceded membrane permeabilization to low molecular weight, charged molecules, such as nucleotides. It is suggested that dissipation of Deltapsgr induces conformational alterations in membranal components, and/or topological changes, such as aggregation of protein molecules, to form membranal aqueous channels. Electrogenic ionophores permeabilize both normal (3T3) and transformed (3T6) mouse fibroblasts, whereas ATP effects are specific for transformed cells. Thus, it is postulated that ATP actsvia specific sites on the surface of transformed cells.
Keywords:membrane potential  permeability  3T6 cells  external ATP  ionophores  tetraphenylphosphonium
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