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Carbon as an indicator of Daphnia condition in an alpine lake
Authors:Winder  Monika  Spaak  Piet
Affiliation:(1) Department of Limnology, EAWAG/ETH, Überlandstrasse 133, CH-8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland
Abstract:Carbon–length relationships can be used to indicate the condition of daphnids in natural situations. We examined the Daphnia galeata population of an alpine lake (Oberer, Arosasee, Switzerland), where most individuals display diel vertical migration behaviour (DVM). Normally, migrating daphnids face a trade-off between `predator safe areas' in the hypolimnion and `food rich areas' with high predation risk. However, in alpine lakes, with chlorophyll a and POC maxima typically in deeper layers and weak temperature gradients, migrating species are confronted less with this trade-off. We investigated the seasonal changes in carbon content of D. galeata in different depth strata in relation to environmental parameters of the lake. The carbon content of D. galeata was high in spring, but declined considerably in summer and increased slightly in autumn. The low values indicate that D. galeata are food limited for much of the year. The slopes of the regression lines between carbon content and body length varied seasonally, but were not significantly different among depths on a given date. In summer, D. galeata individuals residing in the deep layers during the day had a significantly higher carbon content than individuals in the surface layers. During the rest of the year, the carbon content of individuals was similar among all depth strata. We conclude that migrating D. galeata and individuals remaining in deep layer had better body conditions compared to non-migrating D. galeata in this alpine lake during summer, when migration amplitudes were highest.
Keywords:Cladocera  zooplankton  phytoplankton  seasonal variation  nutritional status  food limitation  trade off  fecundity  chlorophyll a  vertical migration
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