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Structural organization of mammalian lipid phosphate phosphatases: implications for signal transduction.
Authors:D W Waggoner  J Xu  I Singh  R Jasinska  Q X Zhang  D N Brindley
Affiliation:Department of Biochemistry (Signal Transduction Laboratories), Lipid and Lipoprotein Research Group, University of Alberta, 357 Heritage Medical Research Centre, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2S2, Canada.
Abstract:This article describes the regulation of cell signaling by lipid phosphate phosphatases (LPPs) that control the conversion of bioactive lipid phosphates to their dephosphorylated counterparts. A structural model of the LPPs, that were previously called Type 2 phosphatidate phosphatases, is described. LPPs are characterized by having no Mg(2+) requirement and their insensitivity to inhibition by N-ethylmaleimide. The LPPs have six putative transmembrane domains and three highly conserved domains that define a phosphatase superfamily. The conserved domains are juxtaposed to the proposed membrane spanning domains such that they probably form the active sites of the phosphatases. It is predicted that the active sites of the LPPs are exposed at the cell surface or on the luminal surface of intracellular organelles, such as Golgi or the endoplasmic reticulum, depending where various LPPs are expressed. LPPs could attenuate cell activation by dephosphorylating bioactive lipid phosphate esters such as phosphatidate, lysophosphatidate, sphingosine 1-phosphate and ceramide 1-phosphate. In so doing, the LPPs could generate alternative signals from diacylglycerol, sphingosine and ceramide. The LPPs might help to modulate cell signaling by the phospholipase D pathway. For example, phosphatidate generated within the cell by phospholipase D could be converted by an LPP to diacylglycerol. This should change the relative balance of signaling by these two lipids. Another possible function of the LPPs relates to the secretion of lysophosphatidate and sphingosine 1-phosphate by activated platelets and other cells. These exogenous lipids activate phospholipid growth factor receptors on the surface of cells. LPP activities could attenuate cell activation by lysophosphatidate and sphingosine 1-phosphate through their respective receptors.
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