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Structure and refinement of penicillopepsin at 1.8 A resolution
Authors:M N James  A R Sielecki
Affiliation:Medical Research Council of Canada Group in Protein Structure and Function Department of Biochemistry, University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H7
Abstract:Penicillopepsin, the aspartyl protease from the mould Penicillium janthinellum, has had its molecular structure refined by a restrained-parameter least-squares procedure at 1.8 Å resolution to a conventional R-factor of 0.136. The estimated co-ordinate accuracy for the majority of the 2363 atoms of the enzyme is better than 0.12 Å. The average atomic thermal vibration parameter, B, for the atoms of the enzyme is 14.5 Å2. One determining factor of this low average B value is the large central hydrophobic core, in which there are two prominent clusters of aromatic residues, one of nine, the other of seven residues. The N and C-terminal domains of penicillopepsin display an approximate 2-fold symmetry: 70 residue pairs are topologically equivalent, related by a rotation of 177 ° and a translation of 1.2 Å. The analysis of the secondary structural features of the molecule reveals non-linear hydrogen bonding. In penicillopepsin, there is no difference in the mean hydrogen-bond parameters for the elements of α-helix, parallel or antiparallel β-pleated sheet. The mean values for these structural elements are: NO, 2.90 Å; NHO, 1.95 Å; N?O, 160 °. The average hydrogen-bond parameters of the reverse β-turns and the 310 helices are distinctly different from the above values. The analysis of sidechain conformational angles χ1 and χ2 penicillopepsin and other enzyme structures refined in this laboratory shows much narrower distributions as compared with those compiled from unrefined protein structures. The close proximity of the carboxyl groups of Asp33 and Asp213 suggests that they share a proton in a tight hydrogen-bonded environment (Asp33OD2 to Asp213OD1 is 2.87 Å). There are several solvent molecules in the active site region and, in particular, O39 forms hydrogen-bonded interactions with both aspartate residues. The disposition of the two carboxyl groups suggests that neither is likely to be involved in a direct nucleophilic attack on the scissile bond of a substrate. The average atomic B-factors of the residues in this region of the molecule are between 5 and 8 Å2, confirming the proposal that conformational mobility of the active site residues has no role in the enzymatic mechanism. However, conformational mobility of neighbouring regions of the molecule e.g. the “flap” containing Tyr75, is verified by the high B-factors for those residues. The positions of 319 solvent sites per asymmetric unit have been selected from difference electron density maps and refined. Thirteen have been classified as internal, and several of these may have key roles during catalysis. The positively charged Nζ atom of Lys304 forms hydrogen bonds to the carboxylate of Asp14 (internal ion pair) and to two internal water molecules O5 and O25. The protonated side-chain of Asp300 forms a hydrogen bond to Thr214O, 2.78 Å, and is the recipient of a hydrogen bond from a surface pocket water molecule O46. There is no possibility for direct interaction between Asp300 and Lys304 without large conformational changes of their environment. The intermolecular packing involves many protein-protein contacts (66 residues) with a large number of solvent molecules involved in bridging between polar residues at the contact surface. The penicillopepsin molecules resemble an approximate hexagonal close-packing of spheres with each molecule having 12 “nearest” neighbours.
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