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Photosynthetic electron transport in Dunaliella tertiolecta (Chlorophyceae) measured by fast repetition rate fluorometry: relation to carbon assimilation
Authors:Fujiki, Tetsuichi   Suzue, Takahiko   Kimoto, Hideshi   Saino, Toshiro
Affiliation:1 Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kawaguchi Center Building, 4-1-8, Hon-cho, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0012, Japan 2 Kimoto Electric Co., Ltd., 3-1 Funahashi-Cho, Tennoji-Ku, Osaka 543-0024, Japan 3 Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center, Nagoya University, Furo-Cho, Chikusa-Ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
Abstract:A comparison of photosynthesis-irradiance response curves (P–Eresponse curves) obtained through fast repetition rate (FRR)fluorometry and radiocarbon (14C) tracer method was made inthe chlorophyte, Dunaliella tertiolecta, grown under differentirradiance conditions. In FRR-based P–E response curveexperiments, actinic light provided by white light-emittingdiodes (LEDs) was increased gradually from 0 to 1500 µmolquanta m–2 s–1 and the rate of photosyntheticelectron transport was determined at each light level. Short-termexperiments (20 min) of 14C-based P–E response curvewere carried out with an improved photosynthetron, which containswhite LEDs as the light source. Irrespective of growth irradiance,the ratios of FRR to 14C-based initial slopes were almost uniform.The ratios of FRR- to 14C-based maximum rates were 25–36%higher than those of FRR- to 14C-based initial slopes. The relationshipbetween electron transport and carbon assimilation was non-linearwith increasing discrepancy towards high actinic light. Thisnon-linear relationship between FRR- and 14C-based estimatesis primarily due to the effect of physiological processes stimulatedat high levels of light, such as cyclic electron flow and theMehler reaction. The results of this study indicate that theFRR fluorometry can be used as a good indicator of photosyntheticrates from low to middle light levels, but becomes increasinglyquestionable as the maximum photosynthetic rate is approached.The degree to which this relationship is further affected bynutrient-status warrants investigation.
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